We are proud to offer a way for you to determine how your body is functioning utilizing ABC or Advanced Body Chemistry testing. The ABC test checks 11 key Biomarkers, uncluding PH, Oxidative Stress, Electrolytes, Cellular Respiration, etc and will inform you how much stress is on your Adrenal Glands, Kidneys, Liver, etc.

In this way you can prevent future problems and reverse the problems you already have. This testing is perticularly good for those suffering with morning stiffness, headaches, tiredness, weight gain, digestive disorders or folks who just plain feel out of whack.

This testing is also essential in determining what nutrients, supplements and specific foods you need to bring your body chemistry back into balance. Once a baseline value is established, re-checks can be performed to monitor progress and in this way, guesswork is reduced to a minimum. Most patients receive about a 5 to 8 page report of findings.

The price for the testing is $149 and includes the report of findings.For more information, please feel free to email me at drstevensaul@gmail.com


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