Hi. Its been a pretty hotttt summer and we are heading into one of the most beautiful times of the year. I am grateful to be in this lovely state with its beautiful mountains, lakes and streams. I have heard that the new local park at Morgan Falls is a wonderful place to recharge and if you have not had the opportunity to walk the trails at the Big Trees Preserve you are missing out. This month, I will again keep it short and sweet by asking you what you would like me to write about. What concerns and questions do you have? Do you want to know about the best way to lose weight. live longer, avoid distress, what are the best foods to eat, what about water. exercices, what vitamins should I take for certain conditions? Let me hear from you and I can use this format to see what you are interested to learn more about. If I don’t already know the answer, I am happy to do the research. The first person who poses the question that gets chosen will receive a complimentary Chiropractic adjustment! Best of it all to you! Dr. Saul

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